segunda-feira, 25 de maio de 2015

O Convalescente

- Eu ascendo aos céus novamente, sou o convalescente!

Um dos meus melhores poemas em inglês. O curioso de escrever numa língua estrangeira é como se usássemos, pois, máscaras, como fosse um elemento cênico, uma cortina ou um véu sobre o que se quer dizer. Já dizia Nietzsche (Aforismo 544 [Meio-saber], "Humano, Demasiado Humano"):

"Aquele que fala pouco uma língua estrangeira tem mais prazer nisso do que aquele que a fala bem. O prazer está com os meio-sabedores."

The Convalescent

I tried to fit in the husband shape
And ran before I couldn’t escape
I could not hide how I was scared
Despite, grateful for the time we’ve shared
I know well how affection is scarce
But I could not stand with that farce
I’m back off the rail track so now I’m free
Farewell, I’ll try to be me!

I ascend to heaven again! Oh, how lucky I am!
I descend with the sense of the Earth! Oh, I rebirth!

I went beyond my alma mater
I overcame the sun, my father
When I work with concentration and focus
I can reach nature’s magnum opus
I burnt my mouth by kissing those lips
And became full by grabbing those hips
I worship goddesses: don’t take me wrong
I’m a mess and this is not my tongue

Now that I’m nurtured I can sow my seed
Who would dare to drop my speed?
I raised my sword and cut off the curse
Knew the word and wrote the verse
Tempered with the fire of the will to power
Dressed in red to light my desire
My heart sings gently and tells me thus:
Can you see? “Alles ist im fluss”!

"Alles ist im fluss" ("Tudo está em fluxo", tudo passa, "panta rei". Nietzsche em "Assim falava Zaratustra".)

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